Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I constantly go to because I like searching for books. I enjoy looking at the different kind of books that you can get from them, as well as searching for rare books and books for special projects for use in the classroom. I have ordered from them and they are a really great source for books; any kind of books.

I was searching for a rare copy of a book that my sister had gotten from my grandparents; I looked at the information inside the front of the book, and with the year, and title and author I was able to find out that her book was an origin copy and if I wanted one it would cost me almost $100. I still want to get that book, but maybe when the funds are available.

If you need books...Alibris is the place to find them. They are just a great source for information on purchasing books, or just what is out there. It's cool.

Becky Sanchez, Bonus Exam Points

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